Chiara Sparks
Teen Author
Chiara Sparks
Official Website of Best Selling Author of
Just Like the Lotus
Author, Speaker & Epilepsy Advocate
Chiara was just 12 years old when she was diagnosed with epilepsy. She spent the next 6 years struggling with medication and side effects as her doctors tried to control her seizures. Until recently, she had remained uncontrolled but a new drug has recently brought her some peace. Chiara has become
an advocate for epilepsy education and youth living with chronic illness. Along with a diagnosis, Chiara knows first hand that it is never just about the diagnosis but the impact that such a drastic life changing event can have on your life and all the people in your life who care about you!
For any media inquiries, please contact Jennifer at STOKE Publishing:
Tel: 306-227-1107 |
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